What does a cavity feel like?

Sometimes people feel like they have a cavity when they don’t, and others may have cavities and not even know it! In the earliest stages of a cavity, there may be no symptoms. There are no nerves in your tooth’s enamel, so when the decay is in that layer,...

How do I care for my teeth when I’m sick?

1.Choose sugar-free cough drops 2. Swish and spit after vomiting to wash the acid off. Wait about 30 minutes to brush your teeth so you aren’t brushing the acid around. 3. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. If you must reach for tea or sports drinks for...

Is sparkling water bad for my teeth?

Plain fluoridated water is still the best option, but sparkling is far better than soda or sugary drinks. Sparkling waters don’t damage your enamel the way sugary drinks do. You should be careful, however, not to drink too much citrus sparkling water. Citrus...

Is It Okay for My Child to Drink Water with Fluoride?

Yes! It’s one of the best ways to prevent cavities for children and adults. Rancho Santa Margarita has fluoride in their water which helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay. Fluoridated toothpaste should also be used daily. A two-year-old had such bad decay and...